We're able to provide you with
translations in several European languages.
Texts will be translated from the source
language (original) to the target language (translation). Our translation
services are carried out by translators who are native-speakers of the
target language. They have extensive experience and obviously also have an
outstanding command of the source language. If the client wants specific
terminology to be used (preferential terminology), particularly those terms
and phrases (jargon) used within the line of business, then we will
maintain such terminology for the translation. Prior to the translation
being delivered to the client, same is checked by a native speaker of the
source language who has an excellent command of the target language. In
this way we're able to guarantee optimum quality.
We have access to a network of
freelancers who are specialized in technical translations in various
languages. Most of our translators are members of the Netherlands
Society of Interpreters and Translators (NGTV).
Sworn (certified)
A sworn (certified) translation is the
translation of an official document, such as Articles of Association or
documents from public institutions and official registers, such as
diplomas, identity documents and certificates, which has the same validity
as the original. The translation must be complete; every section must
concur with the original document and the translation must be provided with
a sworn translator's declaration.
In the Netherlands a sworn translator
(officially sworn under oath by a court of law) is registered at Bureau btv. Bureau btv is a
department of the Raad voor
Rechtsbijstand (Dutch Legal Aid Council) that has
been entrusted by the Ministry of Justice with various implementation tasks
in respect of the Wet beëdigde tolken en vertalers (Sworn
Interpreters and Translators Act). According to the legislation of the
Sworn Interpreters and Translators Act, which has been operative since 1
January 2009, sworn translations may only be carried out by translators who
are listed in this register.
Legalisation of
sworn translations
For certain clients, particularly end
users abroad, a sworn translation may possibly require legalisation. This
is done by means of an 'apostille' which is a
validation stamp to be obtained from the court of law where the sworn
translator is registered. This is a confirmation from the court of law that
the signature and registration of the sworn translator is valid. If
required, we could possibly arrange this legalisation for you.